Wear Many Hats Episode 60— Sudan Green — Spirits Up!

Wear Many Hats
2 min readAug 11, 2021

Hey everyone it’s Rashad and this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar where we talk about your main gig then we talk about your side hustle.

Sudan Green is a Musician and Activist that organizes Spirits Up! An organization that offers tools for personal liberation and healing through yoga, meditation, the arts, and innovative activity to support the continued work towards collective Black liberation.

Sudan has told his story on ABC 6, Fox29, had a clothing collaboration release with 18 East, has also modeled for them with our good friend Saeed thru All Caps Studio, the Philly family runs deep.

How do you find peace?
How do you stay in practice?
Where is your safe space?

Black liberation. By any means necessary.

Please welcome to the show Sudan Green.

With all this talk about Global Warming it does sound that the world is ending and we need to save it some shape or form.

I was just doing yoga before we got on. Preparing myself

How many plants do you have?

How many hours have you meditated?

Spirits Up!

I drop the fundamentals of what Spirits Up! is, throughout your journey so far has it become something even more?

Noname and Wallo have recognized Spirits Up! I can see Spirits Up! turning into a festival someday on top of you already having your first festival last year.

Spirit Sounds has been such a great idea. Meditation, listening to nature. You and Phillip T Annand’s Landa Conservatory needs to link up.


Sudan at Ps and Qs.

Hats OFF

Hats off to you on all these things that you do, for some Wear Many Hats Dahsar solutions so I clocked in 1000 hours of meditation last year through Headspace but I was sick of their voices. They need to have you on board.

Dahsar and Wear Many Hats would love to sponsor one of the Spirits Up! events sometime.


If you were to get a chest tattoo quote in olde english what would it be?

Plug your socials where can people find you?

Till next time this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar and I’m Rashad Peace!



Wear Many Hats

Wear Many Hats is a podcast from @rashadrastam, that takes on topics such as pop culture & art. Episodes out every week if you wear many hats @dahsar