Wear Many Hats Episode 51 — Jeffrey Melo
Hey everyone it’s Rashad and this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar where we talk about your main gig then we talk about your side hustle.
Jeffrey Melo is an artist that is represented by Black Wall Street Gallery.
His painting, ‘Behind The Walls, Lies Our Foundation” which is 54 x 54 inches, oil on canvas, is up in the BWS exhibition on 26 Mercer Street.
I’ve always wanted Jae to be part of the Dahsar collections so I’m glad he was able to take a break from his painting schedule to come hang with us.
He models on the side, does Jiu Jitsu, rips on the guitar. His Prince painting is phenomenal.
Another UArts alum that we met in Philly. I’m glad to always see him at all of our functions.
Just like his last name, very mellow, please welcome Jeffery Melo.
What’s good homie? Where are you currently based now?
Seeing you at the opening for the BWS exhibition
I saw that the homies Kyle Rollins and Ashlee Espinal ere shooting video of you. Getting that press.
Congrats on your painting being sold for ‘Behind The Walls, Lies Our Foundation” I didn’t buy it.
What inspired you to create it?
Have you always been a painter or did you start at University of the Arts?
I see that you paint iconic portraits of people in history from Basquiat to Nipsey Hussle. I believe they’re people you look up too.
Thanks again for modeling the Dahsar Collections. It was great to see you on set and just hang.
You’ve modeled other brands before, do people hit you up for modeling gigs constantly?
Martial Arts
I was watching videos of you and your professor in Jiu Jitsu, sweep you into an armbar in multiple angles. Homie was tossing you up in the air like a pizza.
You’ve done so many tournaments. Have you ever gotten completely messed up in one and have you ever taken someone down in a K.O. completely put him to sleep?
What’s your thoughts on all this celebrity boxing going on lately?
Hats OFF
Hats off to you on all these things that you do, for some Wear Many Hats Dahsar solutions have you ever thought about having one of your pieces of artwork on clothing? As in collaborating with us?
If you were to get a chest tattoo quote in olde english what would it be?
Thanks again for modeling the Dahsar gear. It was great having you.
Plug your socials where can people find you?
Till next time this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar and I’m Rashad Peace!