Wear Many Hats Episode 50 — Cam Sizemore & Minji Kwon

Wear Many Hats
2 min readJun 23, 2021

Hey everyone it’s Rashad and this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar where we talk about your main gig then we talk about your side hustle.

Cam Sizemore is a Cinematographer that has worked on all your favorite films and tv shows.

Tv shows such as Daredevil, Master of None, The OA, Crashing, The Godfather of Harlem, High Fidelity, The Flight Attendant, and Gossip Girl. HBO not The CW.

Films such as John Wick. That’s all I could find.

Even though as a first assistant camera operator or second, Cam is also a photographer who shoots on many different film cameras outside of work.

All the UArts homies work in film. I didn’t go to UArts.

We all know each other from Philly. We literally are the Fast and Furious, Vin Diesel Paul Walker Because Family Meme where they say family, 33 times in that movie. Don’t fact check me on that.

This isn’t Hot 97 but this could be the Breakfast Club.

We have the Gamay Papi and Mini Mami of the wine world.

Please welcome my good friends Cam Sizemore and host Minji Kwon.

How’s it going. What coffee are you drinking?

You just moved. Can you tell me why you love the area you’re in?

We’re all supposed to get dinner this weekend?

You know how we’re grown? All we talk about is what restaurants to check out, venues to see shows at. We used to just pound beers, do shots, and watch Ben Buckner kick a hole in the wall.

Can you say what you’re about to go to work on?


Have you ever been starstuck while working and seeing all these celebs?

Was there a show or movie that ever made you think? Damn I’m working on this show?

Do you ever plan to write and direct or produce your own film or television show?

If anybody ever wants to know or see what you do, you tell them to watch season one of Master of None because you make a sweet cameo appearance rolling in with the cam.

Gamay Papi

So when did you get into the wine game?

Red or white wines?

Hats OFF

Hats off to you on all these things that you do, for some Wear Many Hats Dahsar solutions we need to work with your production company and put something out together! We’ve been trying to manifest this for years. If Wear Many Hats becomes a TV show on HBO, I hope you’ll work on it!


If you were to get a chest tattoo quote in olde english what would it be?

Thanks for modeling the gear!

Plug your socials where can people find you?

Till next time this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar and I’m Rashad Peace!



Wear Many Hats

Wear Many Hats is a podcast from @rashadrastam, that takes on topics such as pop culture & art. Episodes out every week if you wear many hats @dahsar