Wear Many Hats Episode 44— Ché Nembhard — Clips Co-Op
Hey everyone it’s Rashad and this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar where we talk about your main gig then we talk about your side hustle.
Ché Nembhard is a “aspiring polymath of visual media” and the co-founder of CLIPS Co-op. CLIPS develops original content + provides platforms to showcase other creators such as Lichen NYC, Public Records, and Fragile Glass.
Clips has put out short films for Fact and Nowness. Recently produced the Sacai collaboration for my previous boss Hank Willis Thomas for his collaboration with Sacai.
When I think of Clips I think of smooth short films soothly watching while burning a Fragile Glass candle.
Clips. Build Platforms. Build Bridges.
Please welcome Ché.
What’s good fam?
We met in the Pandemic when Lichen NYC was the only thing that has been open and your roommate and close homie Eric Mayes of Fragile Glass linked us up though I wish I met you way before because bro, the Clips Fall Showcase: Mourning Moon curated by Nowness.
Fire. Straight fire. The photos from that night looked sick. The food looks poppin who came thru?
Talk to me about Clips.
The Clips logo is dope. how you guys incorporate into everything. High Def baby.
Public Records had Clips do their URL x IRL special streaming sessions.
Clips partnered up with Film Girl Social Club which is dedicated to supporting women working in the film and photo industry and also debut some short curated selection of work.
How did you and Public Records link up?
The Clips WDYW What did you watch segment series quarantine watch lists were dope.
Did you ever want to be a filmmaker?
What is Promundo?
Program Associate // Project Manager.
Hats OFF
Hats off to you on all these things that you do, for some Wear Many Hats Dahsar solutions have you ever thought about making Clips into a small network like Criterion to showcase films from other filmmakers?
If you were to get a chest tattoo quote in olde english what would it be?
Plug your socials where can people find you?
Till next time this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar and I’m Rashad Peace!