Wear Many Hats Episode 282 — Lee Zhan Tzeh
Hey everyone this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar with your host Rashad Rastam.
You can find us on all platforms and at wearmanyhats.com
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Lee Zhan Tzeh is an entrepreneur.
Lee runs the bakery, Flaaah, and the natural wine bar, Small Shifting Space, both based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
I met Lee at the Petaling Street/Chinatown area of where Small Shifting Space lives and we had a good time going down the menu and trying new desserts.
Pastries and desserts is all I’m into these days.
Please welcome Lee Zhan Tzeh to Wear Many Hats.
I’ve been bringing pasteries to birthdays again. I did that in college.
I’ve been telling everyone about that betting app.