Wear Many Hats Episode 265 — Isabel Slone
Hey everyone it’s Rashad and this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar.
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Isabel Slone is a writer. Isabel is a fashion and lifestyle journalist based in Toronto, Ontario. She has been writing about fashion professionally since 2012 and has been published in the New York Times, ELLE, the Wall Street Journal, Harper’s Bazaar, The Strategist and more.
I found Isabel through her Tweets when she retweeted friend and guest of the show Jamie Rothenberg of @foodjars.
Check out her Substack Freak Palace for her takes on fashion and what she can’t live without. The bio is interrogating consumption habits and why we buy the things we do. I instantly subscribed.
When I had to figure out who Isabel is, I thought of an image of Ben Stiller looking into a puddle in Zoolander.
We’re here for her eggnog reviews and hopes she takes that stained glass course to recreate the Pizza Hut lamp.
Please welcome Isabel Slone to Wear Many Hats.
Okay we need to know what your glasses frames are because I’m a sucker. Let’s just do a whole damn fit check.
Substack Freak Palace