Wear Many Hats Episode 245 — Claire Corsten
Hey everyone it’s Rashad and this is Wear Many Hats presented by Dahsar.
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Claire Corsten is Sourdough Bagels, an IG catalog of amazing foods and recipes she has created and documented but not only bagels.
There’s a mix of cookies, pies, breads, persimmons, biscotti’s, raviolis, scones, cakes, cinnamon rolls, soups, wontons, donuts, pancakes, pies, croissants, burgers, it’s never ending.
The food section of Wear Many Hats is continuing to grow.
Claire budgets for good butter & writes about secondhand clothing as do we on this podcast.
Please welcome Claire Corsten to Wear Many Hats.
Do you make your own bread now or do you keep buying bread?
Has people stop you on the street and go, sourdough bagels, love your baked goods.